Are you projecting your own “money story” onto others?

My youngest daughter, Lucy works on Reception at a major 4* hotel in France, and like all large hotels, she’s obliged to take a “deposit for extras” on their cards when guests check in.

This means that if they consume any extras, such as drinks at the bar, parking, room service etc. their cards are charged and the remainder refunded to their cards on departure.

Having worked at our own B&B, and subsequently smaller hotels, who don’t do this, Lucy told me she thinks this is an imposition on guests, especially when they’ve already paid for their room before arrival.

But it’s company policy and she’s obliged to do it as part of her job.

She’s been recounting stories to us about guests complaining about this practice, and how she feels bad for them.

So what’s going on here?

First, it’s company policy to take the deposit on guests’ cards on check in, so she must do it.

Second, if guests complain, she only needs to say, it’s company policy (in the nicest possible way)

End of story – the guests can take it or leave it, and they usually take it.

There’s absolutely no need for her to feel bad about this, but she does, because she’s probably, unconsciously projecting her own money story onto the guests about “it’s too expensive”.

Guests unconsciously pick up on her energy around this practice and then respond with a complaint, probably thinking she’ll be able to waive this practice just for them!

We all have what I call a “shitty little money story” going on about what’s expensive and what’s cheap, and we sometimes expect the world to respond favourably to us because of it!

And when it doesn’t, we complain (as if that will change things for us!)

Are you aware of where you’re doing this in your own B&B?

Are you afraid to increase your prices in fear of what guests will say?

Are you reluctant to charge for your valuable extras, in case guests think badly of you?

Are you restricting your own income by your own “shitty little money story”?

Becoming aware of how our money story is affecting our happiness and lifestyle is truly transformational, for us as owners, and for our guests, and (as with everything I share and teach) I’m speaking from experience.

I encourage you to reflect on this over the weekend, while you’re going about your B&B life, and see if you can spot ways in which your own money story is playing out for you, and therefore limiting your choices and options.

PS I have three spots available on my 12 months B&B Money Maker Business Transformation Program, for new or established owners who are ready to start now. Our work together will consist of you adding at least an extra 25% to your income, while you work less and have more fun and happiness in your life. Your first step is to book a quick call with me to see if you’re in the right place for this and that we can definitely help you. GO HERE to choose a day and time to suit you

About the author 

Yvonne Halling

Hello, I’m Yvonne Halling and I ran a Bed and Breakfast business for 17 years in the Champagne region of France, where we welcomed people from all over the world, helping them to discover and delight in the hidden gems of Champagne.

Since 2014, I have coached, trained and mentored fellow Bed and Breakfast owners worldwide to create a thriving B&B business and a happy lifestyle, using proven frameworks and strategies, together with timeless business and marketing principles.

I'm here to help you a grow great business that delights your guests, provides for those you care about and give you the lifestyle you desire.

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