Our new International Bed and Breakfast Owners’ Lounge

I’m just jumping on live for a few minutes, on this lovely Friday afternoon, before the weekend starts to let you know that today is the last day for you to upgrade and join us in our new International Bed and Breakfast Owners’ Lounge saving you over 20% on your subscription, and get a copy of my book How to Start, Run and Grow a Bed and Breakfast that Your and Your Guests Love

Why would you do that and what are the benefits to you?

In the Bed and Breakfast Owners Group, I’ve provided a lot of free trainings and a ton of free information over the years that I know a lot of members have benefitted from.

In the new Group, there will be more training and more importantly implementation of the frameworks and processes that I personally used in my own B&B and have taught to clients and students around the world over many years, with great success for them

In the new Group, we have monthly Workshops, starting in April, where you get to vote on what you want to learn, with Q&A and follow up to make sure you’re using the information for your benefit.  All our workshops are based around the four pillars of a B&B that supports you and your desired lifestyle, which I lay out in detail in my book

Our topic for April is attracting more direct bookings, and relying less on OTAs, voted for by the members.

You also get the opportunity to be interviewed by me, and have a video made that you can use to promote yourself online. 

Why is this helpful to you?

It will allow you to become more visible, so that more people can see you, know you, like you and trust you – all precursors to direct bookings

Think of it like this,

This Group, the Bed and Breakfast Owners Group is like the budget hotel and the International Bed and Breakfast Owners’ Lounge is like the 5* star hotel, so where would you like to be?

Who is this new group for?

Whether you’re in the dreaming, planning, starting phase or you’ve been established for many years and still feel you need help and support turning your business into something that truly supports your lifestyle, it’s for you

If you feel you’ve got all the knowledge you need, but feel lonely running things by yourself, then we provide extra support and inspiration to keep you showing up as your best self.

Our new International Bed and Breakfast Owners’ Lounge is the easiest way to work with me without a high price tag, and for less than the cost of a cup of coffee a week

And if you join us before the end of the day today, you get 12 months’ subscription to the new Group, plus a copy of my book How to Start, Run and Grow a Bed and Breakfast that you and Your Guests Love for just $97 saving you over 20% over the year.

Click on the button below to come join us now

About the author 

Yvonne Halling

Hello, I’m Yvonne Halling and I ran a Bed and Breakfast business for 17 years in the Champagne region of France, where we welcomed people from all over the world, helping them to discover and delight in the hidden gems of Champagne.

Since 2014, I have coached, trained and mentored fellow Bed and Breakfast owners worldwide to create a thriving B&B business and a happy lifestyle, using proven frameworks and strategies, together with timeless business and marketing principles.

I'm here to help you a grow great business that delights your guests, provides for those you care about and give you the lifestyle you desire.

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Yvonne (your Bed and Breakfast Coach)
