Hotel and Innovation Expo 2022

Are you planning to attend the Hotel & Resort Innovation Expo?

It’s running from 19th – 20th October 2022 at the Excel Centre in London, UK and I’m delighted to be supporting this important event for the hotel industry

This year’s Expo offers unparalleled coverage to hoteliers that are looking to enhance their hotel offering through the latest innovative solutions. The show is set to bring you the latest products and technologies as well as showcase the advancements, trends, and sustainability within the sector.

With a projected 5000 attendees and over 300 exhibitors, the show brings together like-minded hotel professionals who are looking to expand the function of their hotel and expand their knowledge while gaining new inspiration to stay ahead of the game.

With 150 seminars and well over 30 hours of content from key industry professionals on all things hotels and hospitality, here’s some of the things you’ll learn:

  • How to improve your cash flow
  • What it takes to gain customer loyalty
  • What’s new in the tech world for hospitality owners
  • How to retain key staff
  • Maximising food and beverage revenues

Plus there are 4 panel discussions on sustainability, customer retention, operational challenges and future trends in technology.


Click on the link below to book your FREE ticket and enjoy the show


About the author 

Yvonne Halling

Hello, I’m Yvonne Halling and I ran a Bed and Breakfast business for 17 years in the Champagne region of France, where we welcomed people from all over the world, helping them to discover and delight in the hidden gems of Champagne.

Since 2014, I have coached, trained and mentored fellow Bed and Breakfast owners worldwide to create a thriving B&B business and a happy lifestyle, using proven frameworks and strategies, together with timeless business and marketing principles.

I'm here to help you a grow great business that delights your guests, provides for those you care about and give you the lifestyle you desire.

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