How to Have a Great Relationship While Running Your B&B

If you’re in business with your life partner, you’ll already know how challenging that can be.  Expert Relationships Coaches, Tony and Nicki Vee explain in this video how to move past the issues you may be facing and make your relationship the fundamental under-pinning of your success B&B business.
Tony and Nicki ran an 18 bedroom hotel in Austria in the mid 2000’s which they turned into a retreat centre called the “Happy House”.

Couples came from all over the world to learn how to create harmony, peace and intimacy in their primary relationships


About the author 

Yvonne Halling

Hello, I’m Yvonne Halling and I ran a Bed and Breakfast business for 17 years in the Champagne region of France, where we welcomed people from all over the world, helping them to discover and delight in the hidden gems of Champagne.

Since 2014, I have coached, trained and mentored fellow Bed and Breakfast owners worldwide to create a thriving B&B business and a happy lifestyle, using proven frameworks and strategies, together with timeless business and marketing principles.

I'm here to help you a grow great business that delights your guests, provides for those you care about and give you the lifestyle you desire.

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